I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere!
Met Joe at the airport and we go get the car. And then fix a couple of things on the car, and start checking the oil, tranny fluid and the antifreeze. Man, it is hot in Philly! You can keep the 90 degrees and 90 percent humidity! Sweating and I haven't even done anything yet! So we follow Wyatt's directions for where to meet them. As we are driving I think I start recognizing where we are going. As we get to where Wyatt suggested we meet I look around, What in the world? We are down by the docks, I turn to Joe and say, "you don't think he is going to shoot us and dump our bodies in that river over there do ya, because I think I seen this place in a mob movie one time!" In fact I know I saw Tony soprano drive by!
So as we are getting an appointment for the radiator flush and oil change, Wyatt calls and says he is pulling into the parking lot, and I go outside to meet him, and think that's not a cop that's Nathan Lane! HA HA I kill myself!! Uglier that you, Puuuuleaaaaaase! But of course, I don't say anything, because if that big bulge on his waist band. I think he brought a cannon with him just in case we turned out to be mobster hit men! HA! So we get in Wyatt's compact car and drive to Famous Daves. Mike shows up a little bit later and we all have a good time getting to know each other. And Wyatt is right, no wait, Mike is always right, I'm so confused! Mike is spot on hilarious! And definitely tied in to all that is happening around where he lives and the country! Mike, if its for a nice golf course, then it's okay! HA! J/K we were talking about Emanate Domain. And I think almost 2 hrs went just like that! So we all went outside for a picture before Joe and I hit the road. In the picture, I'm the good looking one in the middle, Nath.. Oops I mean the distinguished Detective Wyatt is on the left, and Mike on the right.

Man, that ship in the background is big! I can't believe Wyatt said in his blog that he would put us up for the night if we needed it! I think I will take him up on that next summer when I bring my wife and kids (10 of them) to Philly for a weeks stay! Wyatt, you rock!! Man, a whole week with no hotel bill, you know I might be able to stay 2 weeks that way!!
Well, by the time we get turned around and start heading west on I-76 its about 8 pm on Friday, we pulled in to Salem Oregon about 12 noon on Sunday. 3000 miles in 42 hrs. With about 10 hrs sleep time between us. By 5 am Sunday morning we are in Boise Idaho, And every hotel looks like the Waldorf-Astoria! Hey, lets stop there, I don't care if the ATF and Narcotis guys are running into that room, at least its got a bed. I think we both hit the proverbial wall about then! I was soooo stinking tired and Joe looked like a turrets patient without the cursing! I thought he was going into convulsions. Neither of us slept much, because I think that each one of us thought the other was going to go to sleep and kill us both. I KNOW Joe was hallucinating because he kept saying he saw herds of Antelope in Eastern Oregon, but every time I would look there was just dirt and sage brush. Finally I quit looking when he swerved the car into the other lane and said that he was a flying Antelope fly by. So last night, I think it was Sunday night, about 8pm I went to sleep in my own bed, and didn't even move till 7 am this morning. My trip to Philly by Steve "The Shrek"!