Monday, October 30, 2006
well, here is my halloweenie post, oops oh wait I already did that with the ghoulish picture on my last post! HA! Nasty hag! Anyways, Happy Harvest day!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
10,000 Hits Whoooo hooooo!!!
Whoo Hooo, "Happy Dance" time!!! I'm sure no one else has reached 10 Thoooouuuusand hits so quickly!! I mean come on! 10 Thoooouuuusand hits in one year! Whew! I'm smokin'! You got to have something special going on to get that many hits in one year! Okaaay Okaaay! I know that isn't many hits. But I refuse to stoop to posting skin pics on this blog to get hits (ahem Wyatt)! Awww who am I kidding! Here is my very first skin pic!!
scroll down.

scroll down.

Man, that woman is uuuuuugly! I hear they were selling her face as a holloween mask but it was just too much!! Wow! Now I better get some hits now!!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Bits and pieces
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, busy here at work and last weekend was my wife's birthday! We went to the coast for a couple of days, and the weather was awesome! I think it was the last two days of nice weather they will get there till June of next year! It was like 70 degrees and not windy at all, which is cool because, that way the stinky hippies aren't trying to fly kites and kicking sand and crap on ya! I think I can fit that box kite in his rear orifice. But make no mistake, we knew we were in the good old northwest what with all the women "couples" and male "partners" roaming the town of Seaside. I got one question, If your a homo, male or female, and you say the same sex attracts you, why is it the guys have one that wants to look like a girl, and the females have one that looks more manly than Wyatt, oh wait, he's not a very good example because he cries in hockey! HA! I kill myself!! Heh Heh! Whew, *wipes away tears*.... Okay now where was I, Oh yeah, it was a great weekend!
Second, Tiffany, my cousin is Afghanistan, has sent me an e-mail saying everything is going well there. And she is fine. Some of you had mentioned that you would like to send her something. If you are still interested let me know in the comments and leave your e-mail and I will send the info to you. I also got a list from her sister what kind of stuff she likes. Anyways I'm going to send her some stuff. Please don't take this as any kind of pressure to send something, I just wanted to let anyone know if they had a mind to. We are so proud of her and our military!!
Last but not least, Peaks has a great post about his future plans as a husband, father and man, how he came to the decision to do what he wants to do. I see it everyday people, the lose of the father figure in our nation is going to be the downfall of this nation. Before anyone gets mad at me, let me say that there are always extenuating circumstances. That being said, I want to applaud Peaks for his decision! I know there is a prevailing mind set out there that thinks, I have to give my kids everything I didn't have. How about you give them your time. Let them see how a Man is suppose to treat a Lady. The respect he gives her, so that when your daughter is on her own she won't allow a punk boy to disrespect her! So that your sons see how a Man treats and respects a Lady, so that when he is on that date he can control himself and respect that girl. You know that girl your son dates is some other man and women's daughter, that they love and cherish! When there is a Father figure around that truly loves his children, helps his children, is there when they have problems they want to discuss, when they know that their home is a place of refuge from peer pressure, from the world, they know that Daddy is there to love and protect them, what a head start they will have in this life! When we men have children we HAVE to change our priorities! Trust me when I say, our children do not want riches, they want their parents to be there for them. If you have children, that bass boat is going to have to wait if working 12 to 15 hrs a day is what it takes to get that boat. You want well adjusted children that don't go into schools and kill their peers, that molest other children then wait 20 yrs and take it out on some Amish girls, then be there for them! When you are old and lonely because your children want nothing to do with you. Don't call me and tell me what bad children you have, because you had them for the first 17 to 18 yrs of their life! And those are the years when they form their opinions about the world and what is right and what is wrong! So Peaks, I raise my glass to you, it's a glass of Pepsi but nonetheless a glass, and salute you! May my daughters and sons find sons and daughters raised by a MAN like you!
Second, Tiffany, my cousin is Afghanistan, has sent me an e-mail saying everything is going well there. And she is fine. Some of you had mentioned that you would like to send her something. If you are still interested let me know in the comments and leave your e-mail and I will send the info to you. I also got a list from her sister what kind of stuff she likes. Anyways I'm going to send her some stuff. Please don't take this as any kind of pressure to send something, I just wanted to let anyone know if they had a mind to. We are so proud of her and our military!!
Last but not least, Peaks has a great post about his future plans as a husband, father and man, how he came to the decision to do what he wants to do. I see it everyday people, the lose of the father figure in our nation is going to be the downfall of this nation. Before anyone gets mad at me, let me say that there are always extenuating circumstances. That being said, I want to applaud Peaks for his decision! I know there is a prevailing mind set out there that thinks, I have to give my kids everything I didn't have. How about you give them your time. Let them see how a Man is suppose to treat a Lady. The respect he gives her, so that when your daughter is on her own she won't allow a punk boy to disrespect her! So that your sons see how a Man treats and respects a Lady, so that when he is on that date he can control himself and respect that girl. You know that girl your son dates is some other man and women's daughter, that they love and cherish! When there is a Father figure around that truly loves his children, helps his children, is there when they have problems they want to discuss, when they know that their home is a place of refuge from peer pressure, from the world, they know that Daddy is there to love and protect them, what a head start they will have in this life! When we men have children we HAVE to change our priorities! Trust me when I say, our children do not want riches, they want their parents to be there for them. If you have children, that bass boat is going to have to wait if working 12 to 15 hrs a day is what it takes to get that boat. You want well adjusted children that don't go into schools and kill their peers, that molest other children then wait 20 yrs and take it out on some Amish girls, then be there for them! When you are old and lonely because your children want nothing to do with you. Don't call me and tell me what bad children you have, because you had them for the first 17 to 18 yrs of their life! And those are the years when they form their opinions about the world and what is right and what is wrong! So Peaks, I raise my glass to you, it's a glass of Pepsi but nonetheless a glass, and salute you! May my daughters and sons find sons and daughters raised by a MAN like you!