Crikey, I'm never home anymore!
Since Thanksgiving weekend last year I have been in my office for a total of 4 weeks. I have either been criss crossing the country or been on vacation. I am now at this moment, half way through my "red eye' from Portland to Norfolk VA. I am sitting in the Atlanta Airport terminal, in a stupor fog! I was looking forward to sleeping on the plane from Portland to Atlanta. No dice. between the bucking and rolling of the plane every little bit, (I felt like Fmragtops must have felt while riding those bulls) and the 18 members of the Lake Oswego High Dance squad doing their cheers and dance routines behind my head, No, sleep for the Sasquatch!! And that makes for one grumpy, hairy beast! So hear I sit waiting for a plane to take me to Norfolk so I can go out in the freezing rain and work on some windbags motorhome! His furnace works fine but he is just not comfortable enough yet in it! Whaaaaaa you big baby! Let me call you a waaaaaaambulance! I guess when you you $975,000, yes that is 3 zeroes! for a motor home you get some special attention! Oh well, at least after this job is done I fly Friday for sunny Ft Myers Florida!! where it is to be 75 through the weekend while I'm there! Gotta look on the bright side! I will visit everyone soon!! After I get some sleep!
That is supposed to say somewhere in that paragraph up there "so HERE I sit...." not "so hear I sit...."
Oh yeah, Firrrrrrssssst!!
Sssteve - First on your own blog. Bravo. And you're bitching about sharing a plane with cheerleaders? Brother, turn in your Man Card.
BTW, I agree: Blogger Sucks! My blog has been down all morning.
You spelled it wrong it's: "stupid fog" not stupor fog. Do you even proof read this stuff???
Have fun!
First on your own blog, aren't you special! Holy cow, that's one expensive motor home! Wow, that's alot of traveling! Do you ever forget where you are? heh Do you ever know where you are? hehe I hope there are no hurricanes headed for FL--oh, other than you!
And, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to come by the new blog to drop a few words in the comments! I would go on and on but I'm starting to feel alittle queasy! J/K
I just read the comment from your relative--FUNNY!
Waaaaaaambulance! That's funny! I have relatives that live in L. O.
Happy travels!
(For the moment).
Get some rest, dude. ;)
I never understood people who say "My job gives my life meaning" or some such nonsense. My DAYS OFF give my life satisfaction. No one would ever pay me for how I spend my free time. Thats why they call it work or play.
Play is how I enjoy the time I'm not at work.
Take a nap dude then go play!
If you're ever in AZ again and don't get in touch I'll be crushed. I've got reliable transport now. I could have met you!
Crikey, I never blog anymore!!
How about the top ten things Ssssteve wishes he was getting for Valentine's Day?
Fo shizzle my nizzle!
How about number 10?
Awww...that was a sweet list. So sweet, that I won't even ask if it should be a day alone with his wife and ten minutes on the X-Box...ooops.
Ten minutes??? Wow.
That includes his 8 minute nap!
lol--coolio, you are just asking for it, aren't you?!
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