Man. I thought
if I posted more I would get more traffic. I guess when you have been hit and miss as much as I have there isn't much you can hope for. Maybe this will do the trick. h/t Joe Cool
Here is how I view our new Presidents ability to manage the economy:
Here is how I view our new Presidents ability to manage the economy:

A good laugh!!!
Have a good trip
Love Mom
Does he love cheese?
Hilarious picture! :) Doesn't even look photoshopped. Scary, eh?
ahahahahahaha!!! now THAT was a good one!!
Guy is such a disaster, and it's only been 50+ days.
...yeah, how many more days does it have to be for him to get impeached?
You shouldn't take Urkels image in vain.
Don't insult Urkel!
Don't feel bad, Steve. I don't get that much traffic either. Maybe because it's a brand new blog, but I was used to seeing quite a few numbers every day on Katey's Kafe.
Had a psycho following me so I closed it down and my blog is now called, "Love, Daisy". is the url, so if you get a chance, could you update your side bar please.
I don't care much about the traffic really. Just as long as my fave bloggers stop by just to say hi, I'm content.
Hope you're well!
I'm still not getting any traffic, Steve. I had lots of it when I had Katey's Kafe.
I'm still waiting for Wyatt to give me the secret for all those hits he gets.
Maybe when we reach a certain amount, we'll just split them and nobody will ever know the difference. This way we can pad our count! What do you think? :p
Steve, are you ok??
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